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Jurassic Custom Actions

"Jurassic is a Javascript Runtime Interpreter for Unity"

You can find Jurassic on the Unity Asset Store.

Now, with this package, you can work with Jurassic from playmaker:

Download package:


Demo package:


Installation Instructions:

You must own a license of PlayMaker and have it installed on your project.

You must have Jurassic installed on your project.

Then you can install this package and start using them.

Help and troubleshooting:

For any questions, please us as a first resort the forum

Setting up the scene:

Nothing particular is required, simply use the action "JurassicExecute" in your Fsm States. Write the code in the action itself, or point to a fsm string or select a text asset from your asset's folder.


To reference a Fsm Variable, simply append $ like so: $MyVariable. Provide "MyVariable" is a Fsm Variable declared in the fsm, it will be understood.

To reference Global variables, simply append $$ like so: $$MyglobalVariable. This is to prevent clashes with local variable that can have the same name.

To fire an Event, write this: 

Fsm.Event("MY EVENT");

Here is a sample of what can be done. Note that is assumes the following

"allow", "result" and "test" are fsm variables.


if ( $allow )
    $result += $test * Time.deltaTime;

    if ( $result > 100)

Available Libraries

  • Fsm.*
  • Time.*
  • Mathf.*
  • Debug.*



Last modified on 6/5/2013 4:08 AM by User.

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