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Conditional Expression

Evaluates a conditional expression and stores the result and/or sends an event upon evaluating true or false. Special thanks to Lea Hayes!

Enter an expression to evaluate. Example: (a < b) && c
To reference variable names with spaces use: $(variable name with spaces)
To compare string values put the value in quotes. E.g., name == "Bob"
Store Result
Store the result in a Bool Variable.
Is True Event
Event to send if the result is True.
Is False Event
Event to send if the result is False.
Every Frame
Evaluate the expression every frame while the state is active.


Summary of symbols that can be used in the expression:

Symbol Definition
==  Is the left value the same as the right.
!= Is the left value different from the right.
> Is the left value greater than the right.
< Is the left value less than the right
>= Is the left value greater than or equal to the right.
<= Is the left value less than or equal to the right.
&& Logical AND. True if both left and right values evaluate to true. Otherwise False.
|| Logical OR. True if either left or right values evaluate to true. Otherwise False. 



  • You can also use standard math symbols:  + - * /
  • The action evaluates the expression as you type and will highlight any errors it finds.

Last modified on 10/23/2017 4:01 PM by User.

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