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"NGUI is a powerful UI system and event notification framework for Unity (both Pro and Free) "

You can find Ngui on the Unity Asset Store.

Now, with these custom actions and proxies, you can work with Ngui from playmaker:

Different between Ngui 2.x and 3.x

It is not recommanded to try and port a previous project using Ngui 2.x to Ngui 3.x. If you do, MAKE SURE YOU BACK UP FIRST

Download package for Ngui 3.10.2, works on Unity 4 and Unity 5:

You can download it conveniently from the Ecosystem:


you can download it directly below too:



Download package for Ngui 2.x:



Note: the ultimate goal is to cover the whole api. Meanwhile If you see anything missing, need a custom action not yet featured, or want to comment: use the playmaker forum, you can request new actions, participate, reports bugs or issues. 

Installation Instructions:

You must own a license of PlayMaker and have it installed on your project.

You must own a license of Ngui and have it installed on your project.

Then you can install these custom Actions and start using them.

Help and troubleshooting:

For any questions, please us as a first resort the forum

Listening to NGUI Events

  1. Drag the "NGUI PlayMaker Proxy" prefab into your scene. It will make available a set of global events "NGUI / XXX" 
  2. In your GameObject target where you want to listen to nGui events, add the "NGuiEventsToPlaymakerFsmEvents" script
  3. Set the "NGuiEventsToPlaymakerFsmEvents" component to target the fsm of your choice ( it will pick the first one attached if it finds one)
  4. In the Fsm, add the ngui global event you want from the context menu. for example "NGUI / ON SUBMIT", and NGuiEventsToPlaymakerFsmEvents component will turn the submit event green so you know it's properly set up on that front.

 NOTE: Use the Get Event Info action in PlayMaker to get event arguments. See also:

Don't forget to also properly set up the nGui component that will fire these events. For example, if it is a slider, you need to set the "event receiver" to the gameObject where this proxy is located to receive the default "OnSliderChange" ngui function.

Custom Actions List:

coming soon


Last modified on 11/9/2016 4:16 AM by User.

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