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  • Enables/Disables the PlayMakerGUI component in the scene. Note, you need a ...
    Last edited by User on 4/18/2011 8:51 PM
  • Button that sends an event when pressed. Label The button's label. Send Event ...
    Last edited by User on 12/1/2010 7:09 PM
  • Gets the tooltip of the control the mouse is currently over and store it in a ...
    Last edited by User on 2/7/2011 7:09 PM
  • GUI Elements are set up in the Unity editor by ...
    Last edited by User on 5/4/2012 11:23 PM
  • Draws a slider that controls a float variable. Float Var The float variable to ...
    Last edited by User on 12/1/2010 7:09 PM

Last modified on 7/27/2024 (Today) 12:07 AM by FogBugz.

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