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Ultimate FPS Camera

"UFPS is a professional FPS base platform for Unity. One of the longest-running and most popular titles of the Unity Asset Store, it’s known for smooth controls and fluid, realtime-generated camera and weapon motion"

You can find Ultimate FPS on the Unity Asset Store.

Now, with these custom actions, you can work with Ultimate FPS from playmaker:

Download package:

You can find the package on the Ecosystem



Installation Instructions:

You must own a license of PlayMaker and have it installed on your project.

You must own a license of Ultimate FPS and have it installed on your project.

Then you can install these custom Actions and start using them.

Help and troubleshooting:

For any questions, please us as a first resort the forum

Setting up the scene:

Simply drop the prefab "PlayMaker Ultimate FPS Camera Activities" in your scene to access all activities global events ( for example to know if the player is walking, dying, attacking etc)

Custom Actions List:



Last modified on 12/9/2016 4:39 AM by User.

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