Unity now supports IOS Game Controllers Input by default, BUT it's not set up by default in the input settings. This package provide an action to listen to controller connection status, gives details on the connection, as well as providing specific Inputs settings taking in account the new axis for both basic and extended controllers.
You can find implementation details in the unity doc. I strongly advise to properly read this document and the particular section on "iOS Game Controller support" as it clearly explains axis definition and conventions.
PlayMaker IOS Game controller support comes as a package with all the actions AND Input settings. You can download the current package below:
If you don't own PlayMaker, and only wants the Input Settings out of convenience. download the package below, it only features the Input settings.
The sample is a simple test scene outputing connection status and controller device information, as well as listing all available inputs so you can test your own MFI hardwares and see if they work as intended.
I tested with two controllers:
In my humble opinion, the moga is FAR better than the logitech ( don't listen the reviews, the logitech already has the left pad button not functionning properly... I have to press real hard to trigger it, so while the moga could be first seen as not sturdy, it already performs better then the logitech). BUT the logitech gives rooms for the back camera and that's very important for R.mote :) so hopefully Moga will design a second version with back camera available...
Unity doesn't support sensitive buttons, so the R2 and L2 of the extended controller like on the moga are not very well supported. I am currently investigating if I can modify the Unity function to allow this or use a third party plugin to access IOS sdk directly, but that would mean less portability as it would then not be part of Unity Input system. So more on this soon.
When publishing, make sure you set the orientation to Landscape Left, as this is the only orientation supported when using a MFI Game controller ( at least when wired, not wireless).
Make use of the PlayMaker forum to ask questions, make comments, suggestions and share your knowledge.
- CheckForGameControllers
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