Here you can find assets and resource files related to the videos on our YouTube page.
Warning: Always import sample project assets into a new project otherwise you might override existing assets!
Game Design with Playmaker and Unity
Video Playlist Link:
Game Design with Playmaker and Unity
NOTE: in newer versions of PlayMaker iTween is no longer included automatically but can be imported from the Add-Ons Manager.
See iTween Actions for more info.
Assets Download:
Warning: Do not import into your existing project or your global variables and events will be overwritten.
Create a new project, import Playmaker, then import this package.
Game Design with Playmaker and Unity Assets.unitypackage
2019 Update
The package below is updated for Unity 2019+ and Playmaker 1.9+ :
Game Design with Playmaker and Unity Assets (2019 Update).unitypackage
If you find any issues please post this on the forum thread below :
YouTube Tutorial Resources Thread
Unity 2D Physics Series
Video Playlist Link:
Source Download:
Top Down Shooter Series
Video Playlist Link:
Source Download: