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Screen Pick 2d

Perform a raycast into the 2d scene using screen coordinates and stores the results. Use Ray Distance to set how close the camera must be to pick the 2d object. NOTE: Uses the MainCamera!

Screen Vector
A Vector3 screen position. Commonly stored by other actions.
Screen X
X position on screen.
Screen Y
Y position on screen.
Are the supplied screen coordinates normalized (0-1), or in pixels.
Store Did Pick Object
Store whether the Screen pick did pick a GameObject
Store Game Object
Store the picked GameObject
Store Point
Store the picked position in world Space
Layer Mask
Pick only from these layers.
Invert Mask
Invert the mask, so you pick from all layers except those defined above.
Every Frame
Repeat every frame.



Last modified on 7/26/2020 1:48 PM by User.

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