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Load Scene Asynch

Loads the scene by its name or index in Build Settings.

Scene Reference
The reference options of the Scene
Scene By Name
The name of the scene to load. The given sceneName can either be the last part of the path, without .unity extension or the full path still without the .unity extension
Scene At Index
The index of the scene to load.
Load Scene Mode
Allows you to specify whether or not to load the scene additively. See LoadSceneMode Unity doc for more information about the options.
Allow Scene Activation
Allow the scene to be activated as soon as it's ready
Operation Priority
lets you tweak in which order async operation calls will be performed. Leave to none for default
A Sync Operation Hash Code
Use this hash to activate the Scene if you have set 'AllowSceneActivation' to false, you'll need to use it in the action 'AllowSceneActivation' to effectivily load the scene.
The loading's progress.
Is Done
True when loading is done
Pending Activation
True when loading is done but still waiting for scene activation
Done Event
Event sent when scene loading is done
Pending Activation Event
Event sent when scene loading is done but scene not yet activated. Use aSyncOperationHashCode value in 'AllowSceneActivation' to proceed
Scene Not Found Event
Event sent if the scene to load was not found


Last modified on 9/29/2016 4:17 AM by User.

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