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Curve Vector3

Animates the value of a Vector3 Variable FROM-TO with assistance of Deformation Curves.

Vector Variable
The Vector3 variable to animate.
From Value
From this value.
To Value
To this value.
Curve X
Define a curve for the X value.
Calculation X
Calculation lets you set a type of curve deformation that will be applied to otherwise linear move between fromValue.x and toValue.x.
Curve Y
Define a curve for the Y value.
Calculation Y
Calculation lets you set a type of curve deformation that will be applied to otherwise linear move between fromValue.y and toValue.y.
Curve Z
Define a curve for the Z value.
Calculation Z
Calculation lets you set a type of curve deformation that will be applied to otherwise linear move between fromValue.z and toValue.z.
Define animation time, scaling the curve to fit.
If you define speed, your animation will be sped up or slowed down.
Delayed animimation start.
Ignore Curve Offset
Animation curve start from any time. If IgnoreCurveOffset is true the animation starts right after the state become entered.
Finish Event
Optionally send an Event when the animation finishes.
Real Time
Ignore TimeScale. Useful if the game is paused.

Last modified on 11/8/2017 10:15 PM by User.

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