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iTween Rotate From

Instantly changes a GameObject's Euler angles in degrees then returns it to it's starting rotation over time.

Game Object
The Game Object to rotate
Transform Rotation
A rotation from a GameObject.
Vector Rotation
A rotation vector the GameObject will animate from.
The time in seconds the animation will take to complete.
The time in seconds the animation will wait before beginning.
Can be used instead of time to allow animation based on speed. When you define speed the time variable is ignored.
Ease Type
The shape of the easing curve applied to the animation.
Loop Type
The type of loop to apply once the animation has completed.
The coordinate space in which to operate.
Start Event
Event to send when the iTween starts.
Finish Event
Event to send when the iTween finishes.
Real Time
Setting this to true will allow the animation to continue independent of the current time which is helpful for animating menus after a game has been paused by setting Time.timeScale=0.
Stop On Exit
Stop the iTween if the current state is exited.
Loop Dont Finish
Sets whether a looping iTween should send the finish event.

Last modified on 6/12/2018 10:06 AM by User.

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