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M2H breakout game

Breakout is a medium complexity game, with some interesting physics set up to solve which makes it a very good sample to study as you begin developing with playmaker some more involving scenes and interaction.


You will need to download first the c# game examples

You can download the package here

Basically, it took me less than an hour in total to port the scripted scene to Playmaker. The scene has no script and works with the standard set of actions shipped with playmaker, no custom actions created :)

Please post on the playmaker forum if you have questions about this scene.



  • simple gameObject hit detection
  • simple managent of user input
  • simple gui interface
  • advanced physics management to control the ball

Scene Set up:

The scene set up it very simple, with specific prefabs to remove all scripts.

How to create a new block prefab from scratch? The block mesh asset is embedded in one asset comprised of several other meshes, which makes it difficult to work with if you are beginning with Unity. Simply drop the asset on the scene and extract the required gameObject from the hierarchy and drop it at the top level of the scene hierarchy, delete the original asset you dropped, you are now left with that single gameObject you want, and can drag and drop it back to the project as a prefab.

Fsm descriptions:

We have 6 Fsm in there. Each one is explained and detailed below ( listed by GameObjects followed by the fsm name):


Thanks to Mike Hergaarden (M2H), the one behind these great game samples.



Last modified on 6/12/2012 5:14 AM by User.

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