Gets the next State information on a specified layer
Game Object
The target. An Animator component is required
Layer Index
The layer's index
The layer's name.
Name Hash
The layer's name Hash. Obsolete in Unity 5, use fullPathHash or shortPathHash instead, nameHash will be the same as shortNameHash for legacy
Tag Hash
The layer's tag hash
Is State Looping
Is the state looping. All animations in the state must be looping
The Current duration of the state. In seconds, can vary when the State contains a Blend Tree
Normalized Time
The integer part is the number of time a state has been looped. The fractional part is the % (0-1) of progress in the current loop
Loop Count
The integer part is the number of time a state has been looped. This is extracted from the normalizedTime
Current Loop Progress
The progress in the current loop. This is extracted from the normalizedTime
Every Frame
Repeat every frame.
Every Frame Option
Select when to perform the action, during OnUpdate, OnAnimatorMove, OnAnimatorIK