Version 1.8.5
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing system events in iOS builds in Unity 5.6 (#1659).
- Fixed actions sometimes executing twice in action sequence (#1620, #1635).
- Fixed Variables tab not showing variables for selected sub-FSM when playing (#1651).
- Fixed new variable popup messing up variable categories (#1622).
- Fixed ambiguous match error with new mono runtime preview in Unity 2017.1 beta.
- Fixed some defines for Unity 2017+
- Action Browser: Escape clears search field. Second escape closes the browser.
- Action Browser: Added "Show Used Actions Only" option in Settings Menu.
- Moved PlayMakerFSM.LateUpdate to optional separate component for better performance.
- PlayMakerPrefs: Added preference to control logging of Performance Warnings in builds.
- PlayMakerPrefs: Added preference to Show Event Handler Components added to GameObjects.
- Updated Spanish translations. Thanks, Matias Ignacio!
Version 1.8.4
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Playmaker Defines for iOS in Unity 5.4 (#1567)
- Fixed Conditional Expression action not finding global variables.
- Fixed Conditional Expression action not re-evaluating the expression if it changes at runtime (#1604).
- Fixed Scale Time bug with Adjust Fixed Delta Time not being respected (#1603).
- Unity 5.6 compatibility.
- Fixed GC spikes in FSM Logging in editor.
- Added SceneManager actions.
- Auto-expand description in State Inspector (#1617).
- Added Enable State Labels in Build preference setting. Defaults to false.
- Added Themes in Preferences > Graph View to support new Flat theme.
- Added more filtering options to the FSM Browser: Show Disabled FSMs, Show FSMs on Prefabs, Show Prefabs when Playing.
- Included Scale option in PlayMakerGUI Inspector for State Labels.
Version 1.8.3
Bug Fixes
- Fixed type loading bugs in WSA builds.
- Fixed issues with new Call Method Editor.
- Added Favorites category in Action Browser. Use action context menus to Add/Remove actions from Favorites.
- Added Recent category in Action Browser. Recently added actions are added to the top of this list. Set the size of the list in the settings menu.
- Added option to scale State Labels in PlayMakerGUI. Useful on retina/HiDPI displays (#1540)
- Debugging: Cmd/Ctrl-Alt-Click any state to jump to it while playing game in editor (there doesn't have to be a valid transition).
Version 1.8.2
Bug Fixes
- Fixed FSM selection bug after maximizing/unmaximizing the Playmaker editor (#1477)
- Fixed Set Property actions made from new drag and drop context menu. Temporary fix here.
- Fixed array parameters in Call Method action (#1481)
- Fixed Escape key in Variables Manager.
- Fixed WSA build errors.
- New custom editor for Call Method action. Should be a lot easier to use than old editor!
- Support OnParticleCollision in Collision Event action.
- New Set Procedural Vector actions (Substance).
- Save Debugger Step Mode on compile.
- Updated French and Chinese localized editor text.
Version 1.8.1
- Playmaker now requires Unity 4.6 or higher.
- 1.8.1 integrates the following Add-ons and Actions:
Physics2D Add-on
Mecanim Animator Add-on
Vector2, Quaternion, and Trigonometry actions
If you already have these add-ons in your project you might get errors from duplicate files. Simply delete the older copy of the file (the one not in Assets\PlayMaker\Actions) to fix the error.
- Integrated Physics2D, Mecanim, Vector2, Quaternion, and Trigonometry actions.
- Added Coroutine support to actions. See FsmStateAction API (#1432)
- Added Parameter name browsing to Get/Set Animator Float/Int/Bool/Trigger actions.
- Log Missing Variables as Warnings instead of Errors so they don't stop the game from running.
- Added foldout next to Name in PlayMakerFSM Inspector for more compact view.
Added namespace support to script popup menu (E.g., Add Script and Add Component actions).
Click on missing variable warning in the console to select the GameObject.
- Added Every Frame option to GUILayoutToolbar action for when button content is changing.
Save Welcome Window "Show At Startup" setting per project.
Cleaned up Export/Import Globals tools. Now uses unitypackages and file save/open dialogs.
Added FsmEditor.OnFsmChanged callback. Useful for third party tool developers. Note the delegate might get called multiple times with some changes because of the way changes can chain in the editor.
Added Ctrl+Up/Down shortcuts to move selected transition up/down. Moved old shortcuts to Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down.
Rename selected action with F2 (#899).
FSM Log Window improvements:
Added clickable info to collision events.
Added StateTime to Exit entry in FSM Log window.
Added option to not show Exit entries in FSM Log window settings.
Added experimental "Manual Update" option in FSM Inspector.
Added experimental "Keep Delayed Events On State Exit" option in FSM Inspector.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed errors caused by threading problems with async loading (#1424).
- Fixed null ref error and variable values not updating in DebugFlow (#1430).
- Fixed false Missing Variable errors with OwnerDefault variables that previously specified a variable.
- Fixed bug where active control sometimes lost focus if error status changed (e.g. when editing required field).
- Put TextureExtensions in a namespace to fix conflicts with Cross Platform Native Plugin (#1434).
- Fixed graph not re-sizing when editing state names and descriptions.
- Fixed State context menu sometimes appearing when right clicking in other windows (e.g., FSM Log Window).
- Fixed State Inspector debugging of CustomActionEditors using EditField().
- Fixed empty FSM drop down in main toolbar after Maximize/Un-maximize window.
- Fixed build errors and warnings with WP8.
- Fixed Unity 5.4 beta warnings.