View Navigation
The Graph View background is called the canvas.
To look around the graph, either middle mouse drag the canvas, or use the scroll bars.
If a state is offscreen when its selected (from a browser, or menu) the view automatically pans to find it.
Use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out.
The Minimap shows an overview of the FSM.
Click anywhere in the minimap to center that point.
Selecting States
Left click on a state's title bar to select it.
Drag a selection marquee around multiple states to select all of them.
Hold Shift to add to the selection, or Alt to subtract from the selection.
Click on the canvas to deselect all states.
Moving States
Drag any selected state by its title bar to move all selected states around.
The canvas expands and contracts automatically as you move states around.
You can use Undo/Redo most editing operations.