Sets the value of any public property or field on the targeted Unity Object. E.g., Drag and drop any component attached to a Game Object to access its properties.
Target Object
Any object derived from UnityEngine.Object. For example, you can drag any component on a game object into this field. HINT: Use Lock to lock the current FSM selection if you need to drag a component from another GameObject.
Target Property
The property to set.
Every Frame
Repeat every frame.
Workflow Hints
- Drag a component from the Unity Inspector to the State Inspector to quickly set a property.
- Use Lock in the Selection Toolbar to select components on other GameObjects.
- Use More... in the property selection menu to drill deeper into properties.
Drill into properties in the property menu:
E.g., sub menus let you select eulerAngles.normalized.x:
- Sometimes new Unity versions change property names. We do not currently detect this so you will need to update actions manually if property paths change.
- The online Unity API Versioner is a useful tool to explore method and property names across Unity versions.