Get the room we are currently in. If null, we aren't in any room.
Is In Room
True if we are in a room.
Is In Room Event
Send this event if we are in a room.
Is Not In Room Event
Send this event if we aren't in any room.
Room Name
the name of the room.
Player Count
the number of players inthe room.
Max Players
The limit of players to this room. This property is shown in lobby, too. If the room is full (players count == maxplayers), joining this room will fail..
Defines if the room can be joined. If not open, the room is excluded from random matchmaking. This does not affect listing in a lobby but joining the room will fail if not open.
Defines if the room is listed in its lobby.
You can find this action used in the following examples:
Note: The exhaustive list of actions is available here.