Now works with Unity 3.5. Flash support coming soon!
Editor Improvements
- Debug Flow! Scrub through time to examine state and variable changes.
- Drag and Drop. It's easier than ever to add, move, and delete actions.
- Watermarks. Tag your FSMs with watermark icons for quicker identification.
- Added filtering to Fsm Browser to quickly find FSMs, e.g., Recently selected FSMs.
- Better Fsm Log formatting. Jump to the selected action when clicking on log entries and errors.
- Integrated Bug Reporter to send feedback directly to our Fogbugz database.
- Save FSM Screenshot. Set the directory in Preferences.
- Ctrl/Cmd-Click foldout arrow to open/close all actions.
- Ctrl/Cmd-Click enable checkbox to enable/disable all actions.
- Click the Required Component error box to add the component to the object.
- More intuitive Raycast action. Added Local Space and Debug Color options.
- Custom Action Wizard to help create custom actions quicker.
- Reduced GC calls generated by debug State Labels and FsmLog.
- Action Browser and other list views now scroll with cursor keys and auto scroll to the selected item.
- Added support for UIHint.TextArea for FsmString variables, so you can display a text area instead of a text field.
- Reformatted the Required Field error to take up less space.
- Added some more hints and tinted hint boxes so blue box = help.
- Nicer graph view auto panning that doesn't bump into canvas edges.
- Added a lot of tooltips to older Actions.
- Welcome Screen with common links.
Runtime Improvements
- Networking support. Network events and actions.
- Pause FSMs. Added option to Pause or Reset FSMs when enabled/disabled.
- Performance. Improved FSM loading times and smaller exe size.
- Added static BroadcastEvent methods to PlayMakerFSM.
Bug Fixes
- Editor: Copy/paste was broken with new variables types introduced in 1.2.
- Editor: Fixed sending events to FSMs using Animation Events. Use SendEvent(string).
- Editor: Edit time preview of GUI actions didn't work on prefabs.
- Editor: PlayMakerGlobals lost default values on play/stop.
- Editor: Remove Fsm Component in editor failed on prefabs.
- Editor: Long global transition events could get clipped when pasting states.
- Editor: Animation browser in Animation Actions now updates immediately when adding/removing animations.
- Editor: Copied transitions now keep extra settings (color, style etc.).
- Runtime: Changed default width in GUI Vertical Slider so it doesn't cover screen and eat all mouse clicks.
- Runtime: EventData could be wrong with delayed events.
- Runtime: GetChild was buggy with untagged objects.
New Actions
- Add Mixing Transform
- Remove Mixing Transform
- Application Run In Background
- Device Vibrate
- Get Next Child
- GUILayout Int Field
- GUILayout Int Label
- GUILayout Float Field
- GUILayout Float Label
- Set Material Movie Texture
- Send Event By Name
- Rebuild Textures
- Set Procedural Boolean
- Set Procedural Color
- Set Procedural Float
- Get Component
- Vector3 Lerp
Plus a whole bunch of Network Actions!
- Moved action description tooltip to the help button.
- Play Animation Finish Event should be more reliable. Also added a Loop Event.
- Load Level with Async setting should be more reliable.