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General Preferences


Components and Gizmos

Auto Add PlayMakerGUI to Scene

A PlayMakerGUI component is required to use GUI actions, show state labels, and edit iTween paths. You can un-check this if you don't want Playmaker to add this component (e.g., if you're making a mobile game and don't want the expense of GUI actions).

Show State Labels in Game View

Playmaker can display the current state of FSMs on the Game Object when the game is running. This can help you debug your game. This preference toggles all state labels off/on. You can override this setting for each FSM in the FSM Inspector.

NOTE: State labels need a PlayMakerGUI component in the scene.

Draw Playmaker Gizmos in Scene View

Show Playmaker Icons in the Scene View on GameObjects that have Playmaker FSMs.

Draw Playmaker Gizmos in Hierarchy

Show Playmaker Icons in the Hierarchy view next to GameObjects that have Playmaker FSMs.


When Game is Playing

Show Editing While Running Warning

Shows a warning the first time you edit an FSM while the game is running. Changes made to scene objects while the game is running are not saved when you stop playing! This warning reminds you that you're in play mode.

Disable PlayMaker Editor When Game Is Playing

Disables all PlayMaker Editor Windows when the game is playing to maximize game performance. This is more convenient than closing PlayMaker since you can keep your custom editor layout.

Disable the Inspector Panel When Game Is Playing

Disables the Inspector Panel, but keeps updating the Graph View. This can help game performance in the editor.

Disable Tool Windows When Game Is Playing

Disables all secondary tool windows. This can help game performance in the editor.

Disable Error Checker When Game Is Playing

Disables realtime Error Checking when the game is running. Error Checking can be expensive, so most of the time you should keep this off while playing the game.

Dim Finished Actions

Normally when actions finish running their UI is dimmed in the State Inspector. This option lets you disable that behaviour.



Select GameObject When FSM Selected

Automatically select the GameObject that owns the FSM when you select an FSM.

Select State On Activated

Automatically select a state when it becomes active. This lets you inspect the active state without having to click on it.

Auto Frame Selected State

Frame the selected state in the Graph View.

Select Game Objects With FSMs in Game View

This lets you click on GameObjects in the Game View to select FSMs. NOTE: this only works if the GameObject has a collider.



Confirm Editing Prefab Instances

Require explicit confirmation that you want to edit a prefab instance. This prevents accidental editing of instances when you mean to edit the prefab.

Load All PlayMakerFSM Prefabs When Refactoring

Automatically load all prefabs with Playmaker FSMs when making changes to the project.

Auto Load All Prefabs in Project

Loads all prefabs with PlayMakerFSM components when you open the PlayMaker editor.

Auto Load Prefabs in Scene

Loads all prefabs with PlayMakerFSM components used by a scene when you load the scene.

Add Prefab Labels

Adds a (Prefab) postfix to prefab names in the editor.



FSM Screenshots Directory

Sets the directory where FSM screenshots are saved. The Path is relative to the Project directory.



Last modified on 4/16/2019 2:20 PM by User.

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