The real-time Error Checker finds setup errors so you can fix potential problems before you even hit play.
Click on the error message in the Error Check Window to jump directly to the error.
Finding Errors
The Error Checker shows errors at different levels in the UI:
1. Total Error Count in the Debugging Toolbar:
This is a global count of all errors in loaded FSMs.
Click on the Error Count to open the Error Check Window.
2. Error Icons in the Graph View, Fsm Browser, Template Browser and State Browser.
Small error icons appear at different levels of the UI.
This gives you an overview and a clickable trail to find the source of errors.
3. Error Boxes in Action Editors.
Action errors are shown inline as error boxes.
NOTE: Many error boxes are clickable, letting you automatically fix the error:
Settings Menu
Quickly access Error Checking Preferences using the Settings Menu:
See Error Checking Preferences.