Ported from C# Game Examples by M2H (website)
Big thanks to Mike Hergaarden (M2H), for allowing me to use his great samples and port them to Playmaker for those who want fully working games done in Playmaker.
The package below only contain scenes, you'll need to download the C# Game Examples first to have the resources needed.
In order to correctly import this package you need to follow these instructions.
1: import the latest PlayMaker Package from the asset store
2: import the latest M2h c# game example package from the asset store
3: import the package provide on this page above (M2HPlayMaker.unityPackage)
4: select the menu "PlayMaker/Tools/import globals" ( you can delete this asset once its done)
5: select the global variable browser, and edit the value of the global variable "total number of blocks", set it to 1 or something,
If step 5 is not observed, the global variable may not persist and will corrupt the BreakOut game.
If you have other games sample on the asset store or willing to share and see them ported to Playmaker for learning purposes, or just for the fun of it :), do not hesitate to raise you hand and requests via the Playmaker Forum.
Unity 5 consideration
The M2h c# game example package from the asset store works on Unity 5, but you'll need to delete two files:
- Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/MeshCombineUtility.cs
- Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/CombineChildren.cs
Once you have deleted those two files, let Unity update scripts in the background, until you get "Finished updating scripts / assemblies" log in the console.