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  • Interpolate between 2 Vector3 values using the specified easing function. The ...
    Last edited by User on 4/18/2011 8:24 PM
  • Interpolate between 2 float values using the specified easing function. From ...
    Last edited by User on 4/18/2011 8:25 PM
  • Interpolate between 2 Color values using the specified easing function. From ...
    Last edited by User on 4/18/2011 8:26 PM
  • Animates the value of a Vector3 Variable FROM-TO with assistance of Deformation ...
    Last edited by User on 11/8/2017 10:15 PM
  • Animates the value of a Float Variable FROM-TO with assistance of Deformation ...
    Last edited by User on 11/8/2017 10:14 PM
  • Animates the value of a Color Variable FROM-TO with assistance of Deformation ...
    Last edited by User on 11/8/2017 10:14 PM
  • Animates the value of a Vector3 Variable using an Animation Curve. Vector ...
    Last edited by User on 11/8/2017 10:13 PM
  • Animates the value of a Color Variable using an Animation Curve. Color Variable ...
    Last edited by User on 6/9/2018 2:45 PM

Last modified on 7/27/2024 (Today) 3:22 AM by FogBugz.

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