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  • Smoothly Rotates a 2d Game Object so its right vector points at a Target. The ...
    Created by User on 3/15/2016 2:28 AM
  • Sends events when a 2d object is touched. Optionally filter by a fingerID. ...
    Created by User on 3/15/2016 2:24 AM
  • Rotates a 2d Game Object on it's z axis so its forward vector points at a ...
    Created by User on 3/15/2016 2:12 AM
  • Rotates a 2d Game Object on it's z axis so its forward vector points at a 2d or ...
    Created by User on 3/15/2016 2:10 AM
  • Forces a Game Object's Rigid Body 2D to wake up. Game Object The GameObject ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:51 AM
  • Rigid bodies 2D start sleeping when they come to rest. This action wakes up all ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:51 AM
  • Detect 2D trigger collisions between the Owner of this FSM and other Game ...
    Last edited by User on 12/25/2017 11:13 AM
  • Forces a Game Object's Rigid Body 2D to Sleep at least one frame. Game Object ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:44 AM
  • Sets the various properties of a WheelJoint2d component Game Object The ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:44 AM
  • Sets the 2d Velocity of a Game Object. To leave any axis unchanged, set ...
    Last edited by User on 7/26/2020 6:24 PM
  • Sets the Mass of a Game Object's Rigid Body 2D. Game Object The GameObject with ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:43 AM
  • Controls whether 2D physics affects the Game Object. Game Object The GameObject ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:42 AM
  • Controls whether the rigidbody 2D should be prevented from rotating Game Object ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:41 AM
  • Sets the various properties of a HingeJoint2d component Game Object The ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:40 AM
  • Sets The degree to which this object is affected by gravity. NOTE: Game object ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:39 AM
  • Sets the gravity vector, or individual axis. Vector Gravity as Vector2. X ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:37 AM
  • Casts a Ray against all Colliders in the scene. A raycast is conceptually like ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:37 AM
  • Casts a Ray against all Colliders in the scene.A linecast is an imaginary line ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:36 AM
  • Tests if a Game Object's Rigidbody 2D is sleeping. Game Object The GameObject ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:35 AM
  • Tests if a Game Object's Rigid Body 2D is Kinematic. Game Object the GameObject ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:35 AM
  • Should the rigidbody2D be prevented from rotating? Game Object The GameObject ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:34 AM
  • Gets the 2d Velocity of a Game Object and stores it in a Vector2 Variable or ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:33 AM
  • Gets info on the last Trigger 2d event and store in variables. See Unity and ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:32 AM
  • Gets the 2d Speed of a Game Object and stores it in a Float Variable. NOTE: The ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:31 AM
  • Gets info on the last 2d Raycast or LineCast and store in variables. Game ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:29 AM
  • Iterate through a list of all colliders detected by a RayCastThe colliders ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:28 AM
  • Iterate through a list of all colliders that overlap a point in space.The ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:27 AM
  • Iterate through a list of all colliders that fall within a circular area.The ...
    Last edited by User on 3/14/2016 8:26 AM
  • Iterate through a list of all colliders that fall within a rectangular area.The ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:25 AM
  • Iterate through a list of all colliders detected by a LineCastThe colliders ...
    Created by User on 3/14/2016 8:24 AM

Last modified on 7/26/2024 (Today) 8:26 PM by FogBugz.

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