"2D Toolkit provides an efficient and flexible 2D sprite and text system which integrates seamlessly into the Unity environment. Our key focus with this product is mobile performance and workflow efficiency. 2D Toolkit is designed for rapid prototyping, and is built to take you all the way to a shipping game."
Custom actions for 2d toolkit Version 2 is now official supported by UniKron. This is a great step! Version 1 resources will stay here until it becomes obsolete and v2 adoption is total.
You can find 2D Toolkit on the Unity Asset Store.
Now, with these custom actions, you can control most aspect of 2d ToolKit with Playmaker:
Download Package for Version 2.x
Unikron Official Playmaker Actions
Below you will find version 1.x support
Download package for version 1.x
Note: the ultimate goal is to cover the whole API. Meanwhile If you see anything missing, need a custom action not yet featured, or want to comment: use the Playmaker forum, you can request new actions, participate, reports bugs or issues.
Installation Instructions:
You must own a license of PlayMaker and have it installed on your project.
You must own a license of 2d toolkit and have it installed on your project.
Then you can install the 2D Toolkit Actions and start using them.
Help and troubleshooting:
For any questions, please us as a first resort the forum
Custom Actions List:
- Tk2dSpriteSetId
- Tk2dSpriteGetId
- Tk2dSpriteSetScale
- Tk2dSpriteGetScale
- Tk2dSpriteSetColor
- Tk2dSpriteGetColor
- Tk2dSpriteMakePixelPerfect
- Tk2dSpriteSetPixelPerfect
- Tk2dSpriteGetPixelPerfect
- Tk2dTextMeshGetProperties
- Tk2dTextMeshSetProperties
- Tk2dTextMeshCommit
- Tk2dTextMeshSetAnchor
- Tk2dTextMeshGetAnchor
- Tk2dTextMeshSetColors
- Tk2dTextMeshGetColors
- Tk2dTextMeshSetFont
- Tk2dTextMeshGetFont
- Tk2dTextMeshSetTextureGradient
- Tk2dTextMeshGetTextureGradient
- Tk2dTextMeshSetText
- Tk2dTextMeshGetText
- Tk2dTextMeshSetMaxChars
- Tk2dTextMeshGetMaxChars
- Tk2dTextMeshSetInlineStyling
- Tk2dTextMeshGetInlineStyling
- Tk2dTextMeshGetInlineStylingIsAvailable
- Tk2dtextMeshGetNumdrawnCharacters
- Tk2dTextMeshSetScale
- Tk2dTextMeshGetScale
- Tk2dTextMeshSetPixelPerfect
- Tk2dTextMeshGetPixelPerfect
- Tk2dTextMeshMakePixelPerfect
- Tk2dFontGradientCount
- Tk2dFontHasGradient
(coming soon.)
Thanks to ms4tech who started sharing actions for 2D Toolkit.