Version 1.2
New Features
Global Variables and Events.
Get/Set Property actions to get/set properties on any Unity Object.
Event Browser to manage all events in your project in one window.
Copy/Paste actions. Also Paste actions as new states.
Added Rect, Material, Texture, Quaternion and Object fsm variable types.
New Object variable type can store any type derived from Unity Object.
New console window shows action changes since the project was saved.
Improved workflow for quickly finding and adding actions to states.
Custom per transition link styles. Override default link style, and lock to left/right.
Custom state and link colors. Also used on state labels in the game view.
Ability to expose FSM Events in the Unity Inspector as buttons.
Preference to auto-frame active state in the Graph View.
Ability to edit an action's name to make it more descriptive.
Set Event Target action lets any action send events to other FSMs.
Previous State actions to easily return to the previous state after a global transition.
Snap to grid when moving states (hold Ctrl).
Constrain state dragging to horizontal/vertical (hold Shift).
In editor hints (F1 to toggle on/off).
Many new keyboard shortcuts to speed up workflow.
Auto panning when dragging States/Transitions to the edge of the view. Speed exposed in Preferences.
Organized and exposed new Preferences, including ability to selectively disable editor windows when running the game.
Custom Color Schemes for the Graph View (to work better with both Pro and Indie skins).
Crossing selection of States (drag from right to left).
Bug Fixes
Fixed: Action serialization was broken on Wii. Should also now be fixed for XBox and PS3, but needs testing.
Fixed: GUI actions were broken on iOS.
Fixed: GUI would create lots of GC calls (particularly noticeable on mobile devices).
Fixed: Memory leak on loading scenes.
Fixed: Disabled FSMs/Game Objects would receive events.
Fixed: Event Data Sent By was wrong with broadcast events.
Fixed: Editing events on prefabs would sometimes not propagate to instances.
Fixed: Saving was flaky when editing variables exposed in the Inspector.
Fixed: Undo/Redo was broken on variables exposed in the Inspector.
Fixed: States wouldn't resize with global transition events.
Fixed: Destroy Object Action: Delay option was broken.
Fixed: Game Object Compare Action: Not Equal event would fire when equal.
Fixed: Project Location To Map Action: Didn't work properly with cropped maps.
Fixed: Cursor in editor text fields didn't behave like normal Unity text fields.
Fixed: Sometimes multiple PlayMakerGUI components were added to the scene.
Fixed: FSM selection could change on Play/Stop even with Lock checked.
Fixed: "Copy" now only added to pasted states when necessary to avoid naming conflict.
Fixed: Drag-threshold was broken. Would cause false "Editing while playing" warnings and extra undo states.
Added Event Target to Send Event action. This essentially renders Broadcast Event and Send Event To FSM obsolete, but they are kept for backward compatibility.
Added Sent By field to Fsm Log window. Click to navigate to the state that sent the event.
You can now delete system events from FSMs. You can add them back using the Global Event manager window.
Added new variables types to Send Message and Start Coroutine actions.
Added FsmRect support to GUI Actions, GUILayout Begin Area, Draw Texture...
Added inclusive option to Random Int. Thanks MaDDoX: Forum thread.
Allow Set Fsm Game Object to set value to null. Thanks JeanFabre: Forum thread.
PlayerPrefs actions array size now defaults to 1.
Made it easier to remove iTween if you don't use it (#define iTween).
Preference to add "(Prefab)" to prefab labels.
Preference to Auto-Load All Prefabs used by a scene.
Added (Modified) to modified prefab instance labels.
Alt-Click to follow transitions in edit mode too.
Multiple FSMs on same GameObject given unique names by default.
Editor remembers last selected FSM on a GameObject.
FSMs with same name on a GameObject have numerical qualifiers in menus etc. For clarity, it is still recommended that you give each FSM a unique name based on its purpose.
Templates are now found in any directory under Assets (they don't need to be in the PlayMaker/Templates folder).
System events are no longer added automatically to new FSMs.
Events are automatically added to the Events list when used in the FSM.
Updated many actions with an Every Frame option.
New Actions
Animate Variables
State Machine
Web Player
Last modified on 2/3/2012 10:44 AM by User.