Version 1.8.0
- FSMs saved with 1.8.0 cannot be opened in older versions of Playmaker!
- Playmaker now requires Unity 4.3 or higher.
- The Run FSM action in previous versions exposed all FSM variables. In 1.8.0 only variables marked as Inspector are exposed. Make sure all variables you currently use are marked as Inspector BEFORE upgrading to 1.8.0!
- 1.8.0 now properly finds errors in Templates. This means you might see new errors after upgrading - but they are likely errors that were already in the templates that were just not found before!
- Much faster loading in Unity 4.5+
- Array and Enum variables and actions.
- Added New Variable and New Event to selection menus to quickly add these without switching tabs.
- Added Auto Update Tools to help fix upgrade problems.
- Copy/Paste variables between FSMs in Variables Manager.
- Timeline Log window for more visual debugging.
- Variable Categories to keep your variables organized.
- Define custom editor colors in Preferences. Can be used on states etc.
- Added search categories to Event Browser (Filters: All, Global, Local, System).
- Preserve state selection across re-compiles and playmode changes.
- Only show variables marked as Inspector in Run FSM action.
- Improved feedback when drag/dropping project/scene assets.
- Added Preference to draw links behind states.
- Get/Set Property selection menus are faster. Use "More..." to drill down.
- Added ErrorCheck to Invoke Method and Start Coroutine actions to catch missing method names.
- Added FinishEvent to Smooth Look At Direction action.
- Added "Clear Transition Target" to transition context menu.
- Added "No search results" to Action Browser when search returns no results.
- Get Mouse Button actions: Implemented OnEnter so stored result behaves properly in stack with other actions.
- Added WiiU, Playstation Vita, XBoxOne, and PS4 compile directives to incompatible actions.
- Stop Animation action: Stops current animation if no name provided (#911)
- Experimental Auto Name feature for actions (in Action Editor Settings menu)
- Added Collider selection menu when auto-adding missing Colliders in Actions panel.
- Log error if Get/Set FSM variable actions cannot find the specified FSM.
- Improved error checking and usage counts in Templates.
- Template Browser now shows Templates with errors.
- Actions now cache component access for improved performance (and Unity 5 compatibility).
- Option to lock and password protect FSMs.
- Show active state in minimap.
New Actions
- Array and Enum actions
- Call Static Method
- Conditional Expression
- Raycast All
- Destroy Objects
- Convert Seconds To String
- Random Wait
- Move Object
- Set Drag
Bug Fixes
- Fixed potential corruption of data when editing Prefab Instances.
- Fixed memory leak with last selected FSM (#2166)
- Fixed AnimationCurve parameters losing wrapmode in templates. (#859)
- Fixed Call Method error check when target behaviour is not known at edit time.
- Fixed Ambiguous Method errors in Call Method action with overridden methods.
- Fixed save template bug when project had parent folder with "Assets" in the name. (#1018)
- Fixed template sometimes not finding proper save directory (#2168)
- Fixed "Find script in action browser" not auto-scrolling if already selected. (#1027)
- Fixed bug with negative numbers in Animate Variables actions.
- Fixed nullref error when renaming event then setting it to global. (#1007)
- Fixed Action Browser shortcut conflict with OSX focus window shortcut. (#977)
- Fixed Graph View bug where mouse clicks passed through scrollbars (#738)
- Fixed starting values of Ease Actions (#1253)
- Fixed Add Force action retaining old x, y, z values (#1197)
- Fixed GUI Text with custom font not rendering in Unity 5 (#1207)
- Fixed templates with duplicate names not showing in Template menus (#1153)
- Fixed State auto-framing in Unity 4.3 on play.